Supporting Students and Families Involved with CPS in bryt
The involvement of state child protective services agencies (CPS) in the lives of students is complex and often associated with trauma for the student as well as for their parent/caregiver. This session will initially explore the overall context of interactions between schools and CPS (with a focus on Massachusetts), including trends in reporting related to race and class and the impact of reporting on families. We will then shift to discussion of how bryt teams in schools can best support students at different points of involvement with the CPS system.
Kate LowensteinJ.D/MSWMultisystem Youth Project DirectorCitizens for Juvenile Justice
Paul Hyry-DermithEd.DDirectorbryt
Heather ForkeyMDDirector of Foster Children Evaluation Service (FaCES)UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center
Renée ConlinLICSWSocial Worker/bryt Clinical CoordinatorWalsh Middle School
Kimberly HoustonDCF-impacted mother
Academic Coordinator Panel
The Nuances of Academic Case Management for Secondary Academic Coordinators
Creating Plans That Work
Skill-Building Strategies for Helping Anxious, Depressed, and Disconnected Students Re-enter School Successfully
Understanding the Massachusetts Community Mental Health Landscape
Using Data to Monitor Student Progress and Design and Inform Counseling Interventions
Available for Learning
Early Psychosis: Symptoms, Identification, and Treatment
Empathic Attunement and Compassionate Interventions with Caregivers of Secondary bryt students
Supporting Students and Families Involved with CPS in bryt
Sustaining bryt
Programmatic, Communications, and Financial Considerations
The School Discipline Fix
The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach
Students Do Well if They Can
Combining Neuroscience, Compassion and Common Sense
Introduction to the bryt Model Intervention
Planning & Implementation
Supporting Refugee and Immigrant Students and Families
Adapting the bryt Model for Different School and Community Contexts
Best Practices for Supporting LGBTQIA* Youth in Your bryt Intervention